Become a sponsor
Friends for Life would not have become such a success without our sponsors. With the assistance of our sponsors, already more than 400 stduents have been bale to receive a scholarship in the past years. In the coming years we would like to grow further and make sure that at least 1000 students receive a scholarship. There are still many more students on our waiting list who would like to continue their courses.
There are many ways to contribute to the goals of Friends for Life. For example, sponsoring one of more students by setting up a fundraising activity. All our sponsors are being informed about the activities within Friends for Life and receive a progress report at least once a year during the course of the students sponsored.
One off contribution
Of course also smaller one off contribution are very welcome! These contributions will be used to cover costs for activiteis such as our job coaching programma.
Sponsor contributions can be done by a transfer to our bank account or through an online donation on the homepage. We also have the possibility to send money through your phone (‘Tikkie’) in a very quick and convenient way.
If you are interested in making a one off donation and you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Eefje van Vlimmeren.
Periodic contributions
Periodic contributions are of course very welcome and very much appreciated! These donations can be done through a bank transfer or through our online sponsor system, to be found on our homepage.
Sponsor for a longer period, that voor langere tijd, dat is fiscaal aantrekkelijk!
Wist u dat als u voor langere tijd sponsort, dat fiscaal aantrekkelijk is? Uw schenking kunt u namelijk, ongeacht de hoogte, volledig aftrekken van de inkomstenbelasting tot maximaal 52%, afhankelijk van uw inkomen. Voorwaarde is dat u minimaal 5 jaar hetzelfde bedrag schenkt aan Friends for Life. Per 1 januari 2014 is het niet meer vereist dit vast te leggen bij de notaris. U hoeft alleen het onderstaande formulier in te vullen voor de belastingdienst.
Overeenkomst Lijfrenteschenking
- u steunt voor minimaal 5 jaar het werk van Friends for Life en draagt bij aan de continuering ervan
- u krijgt een deel van de schenking weer terug van de belasting
- u hoeft geen kosten te betalen voor het passeren van een notariële akte
Indien u meer informatie wenst omtrent periodieke sponsoring neem dan contact op met: Eefje van Vlimmeren.