Friends for Life wants to involve her students in the organisation as much as possible, also with formulating policy and implementing improvements. For this, a student panel has been set up in order to give word to the students and hear their opinions. the panel consists of students with different course backgrounds studying at various institutions. the students can ‘apply’ for a role within the panel; chairman, secretary, and organiser.
The student panel will be active for one year and organises at least three meetings themselves. The subjects are also selected by the panel in consultation with the management of Friends for Life. It concerns subjects like ‘selection criteria’, alumni-network’, student-for- a student program’ etc.

In 2015 a student panel has been chosen in Nairobi, the following year, the opportunity if for students of Mombasa. The advise and recommendations will be included in a report and presented to the board of Friends for Life. The board will take these recommendations into account when formulating policy and way of working for the next year. For Friends for Life this is an ideal way of gathering valuable information and results are being aligned with the need of the beneficiaries. For the students the panel offers an opportunity for commitment, participation and a good learning experience.